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Stainless Flatware
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Non-pattern Flatware
Abigail by Pfaltzgraff
Abundance by Corning
Accent by Oneidacraft
Alsace by Dansk
Amaryllis by Oneida
American Artistry by Oneida
American Charm by International
American Colonial by Oneida
Americana by International
Americana by International Deluxe
Americana Star by International
Antique Baroque by Wallace
Arbor/American Harmony by Oneida
Arbor Rose/True Rose by Oneida
Archway by Lenox
Astro by Stanley Roberts
Auberge by Stanley Roberts
Autumn Ballad by Stanley Roberts
Balboa by National
Bamboo Design by Eldan
Bancroft/Fortune by Oneida
Barrington by Princess House
Bead by Lenox
Bellina by Lenox
Belmore by Delco
Berkeley by Reed & Barton
Berkshire by National
Bistro Woodgrain Brown by Chefs
Blair House by Amway
Bourbon by Oneida
Brahms by Community
Breton Rose by Japan
Bretton Woods-Shell
Briarwood by Oneida
Bright Star by Wallace
Brooklyn by Wallace
Brookshire by Reed & Barton
Brookview by Pfaltzgraff
Byfield by Towle
Cabana by Oneida, Stainless
Cafe Black by Williams Sonoma
Caledonia by Northland
Camelot by Oneida/Community
Canoe Muffin by Ekco, Eterna
Cantata by Oneida
Capistrano by Oneidacraft
Capri by Oneida
Caress by National
Carlton by Carlton
Carolina by Northland
Carolyn by Ekco
Casa Vista by Stanley Roberts
Cascade by Rogers
Casual Living, Hunter by Gibson
Celebrity by Oneida
Celestial by International
Cello by Oneida
Chalmette by Imperial
Chandelier by Oneida
Chardonnay by Reed & Barton
Charlemagne, Gold Accent by Wallace
Charmante by National
Chateau by Oneida
Chatelaine by Oneida
Cherbourg by Community
Cherie by Oneida
Christmas Tree by Spode
Chrysler by Oneida
Coca-Cola by Gibson
Classic Shell by Oneida
Classico Satin by Mikasa
Codie by Cambridge
Colonial Boutique by Oneida
Colonial Country by Stanley Roberts
Colonial Scroll by International
Colonial Shell by Reed & Barton
Colonnade by Reed & Barton
Concorde by Hampton Silversmiths
Continental Dining by Lenox
Cordova by Riviera
Coronation Black Accent by Oneida
Cortina by Imperial Int.
Costa Mesa by National
Cotillion by 1847 Rogers
Country Garden by Ekco
Courtship by Stanley Roberts
Creation by International
Cresendo II by Reed & Barton
Cruise by Gourmet Settings
CUS3 by Customcraft
Danish Scroll by International
Dazee Sun by Pfaltzgraff
Debonair by Oneidacraft
Delight by Stanley Roberts
Delacroix Gold by Mikasa
Delmar, Taper by Oneidacraft
Di Lido by International
Domain by Reed & Barton
Dominion III by Delco
Dorette by Stanley Roberts
Dover by Oneida
Driftwood by Community
Duchess by Duchess
Dynasty by Stanley Roberts
Edgartown by Reed & Barton
Elaine by Hampton Silversmiths
Elegant Bead by Reed & Barton
Ellen Vance by Sears Roebuck
Endearment by Englishtown Crafts
Ensenada by Stanley Roberts
Erin by Hampton Silversmiths
Eros by Noritake
Etude by Reed & Barton
Falcon by Imperial
Fan Design by Market Place
Fancy Free by Style House
Fantasy by Oneida
Fantasy Rose by Oneida
Fenway by Oneida Ltd.
Finale by National
Finlandia by International
Fjord by Dansk
Flight by Oneida
Fleurette by Home Concepts
Flora by Reed & Barton
Floral Mist by Stanley Roberts
Florenz by Interpur
Floret by Easterling
French Rose by Grand Prix
Friendship by Oneida Ltd.
Frostfire by Oneida
Gala/Impulse by Oneida
Gallery by Southern Living
Galveston by Oneida
Genoa by Oneida
Gigi by International
Glennbrook by Pfaltzgraff
Gloria by Oneida
Goa by Cutipol
Golden Julliard by Oneida
Golden Royal Chippendale by Oneida
Grand Hotel by Towle
Grand Manor by Oneida
Harbour by Wallace
Highbridge by Reed & Barton
Highland Rose by 1881 Rogers
Home Collection by JCPenney
Hotel by Towle
Huntington by Oneida
Independence by Oneida
INS222 by International
Isabella by Oneida Stainless
Jardinera by Japan
Jardinera by Riviera
Jessica by Cambridge
Joelle/Castile by Stanley Roberts
Juilliard by Oneida
Katrina by Oneida
Kennett Square by Oneida
Kenwood by Oneida/Community
Kimberly by Cambridge
La Rose by Oneida
Lace Frosted by Hampton Silversmiths
Lady Charming by Nasco
Lai by Oneida
Lakewood by Sears Roebuck
Largo by International
Lasting Rose by Oneidacraft
Lawncrest by International
Lisbon by Oneida
Lorilei by Oneida
Louisiana by Oneida
Louisville by Oneida
Love Joy by Stanley Roberts
Love Knots by Wedgwood
Lunea Frost by Mikasa
Lysa by Yamazaki
Madrid by Community
Maestro by Oneida
Magnum II by Lauffer
Magnum II by Towle
Majesty by Reed & Barton
Malibu by Oneida Ltd.
Manor by J A Henckels
Mansfield by Oneida
Mansion Hall by Oneida
Mardi Gras by Washington Forge
Mardi Gras-Black by Washington Forge
Maribo by Stanley Roberts
Marlborough by Reed & Barton
Marquette by Oneida
Meredith by Gorham
Meridian by Pfaltzgraff
Michelangelo by Oneida
Midsummer by Oneida
Miranda by National
Monique Gold by Yamazaki
Monte Carlo by Oneida
Montezuma by Oneida
Morning Blossom by Oneida
Mozart by Oneida
My Rose by Oneida
Naturewood by Pfaltzgraff
Navaho by 1847 Rogers
Needlepoint/Beaded Artistry by Oneida Ltd.
Noah's Ark by Oneida
Norcrest/Brentwood by Stanley Roberts
Nordic Crown by Oneida
North Star by Wallace
Nortica by WMF
Oceanic by Oneida
Olaf by National
Old Country Roses by Royal Albert
Orleans Rose by Orleans Silver
Paddington Bear by Oneida
Palisades Frost by International
Palisander by Towle
Parallel Diamond by Dansk
Pasadena by Oneida
Patrick Henry by Community
Paul Revere by Oneida/Community
Pearl Platinum-Glossy by Lenox
Peter Rabbit by Oneida
Phoenix by Community
Phoenix by Oneida
Plantation by Oneida
Plantation by Oneida/Community
Plymouth Rock by Oneida
Polonaise by Oneida
Pompei by Gibson
Portola by Lenox
Portrait by National
Premier Sand by Cambridge
Pretty by Utica
Profile by Oneidacraft
Provincial Rose by Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Quadratic by Oneida
Queen's Fancy by International
Rachelle Frost by Hampton Silversmiths
Radiant Rose by International
Raphael by Oneida
Regency by Reed & Barton
Rembrandt by Oneida
Rembrandt by Oneida Distinction
Rendezvous by Northland
Repose by 1881 Rogers
Riverside Classic by Stanley Roberts
Romance by Dansk
Rondure by Dansk
Rose & Leaf by National
Rose Border by Nasco
Rose by Merchandise Service
Rose Design by Kaysons
Rose Duet by Oneida
Rose Lace by International
Rose Serenade by National
Rose Shadow by Oneida
Rose Spray by Nasco
Roseanne by Oneida
Rosette by Grosvenor
Rosewood by Oneida
Royal Bead by Wallace
Royal Majesty by Reed & Barton
Royal Manor by International
Salisbury Satin by Pfaltzgraff
Sand Dune by Oneida
Satin Flight by Oneida
Satin Rattan by Oneida
Satin Shasta by Oneida
Satin Wave by Towle
Satinique by Community
Satinique by Oneida
Seaflower by Oneida
Secretariat by Oneida
Sentimental Rose by Wm. A. Rogers
Shadow Point by WMF
Shasta by Oneida
Shelley by Oneida
Shoreline by Wm. A. Rogers
Simplicity by Wallace
Snow Village by Pfaltzgraff
Soliloquy by Wallace
Soprano by Gourmet Settings
Southern Baroque by Oneida
Space by International
Spanada by Oneida
Spanish Court by Oneida
Spindrift by International
Spring Ballad by Oneida
Spring Charm by 1847 Rogers
Spring Fever by Northland
Spring Flower by Rogers
St. Louis by Oneida
Star Design by Koba
Stephanie by Retroneu
Strathmore by Oneida Ltd.
Sumatra by Oneida
Summer Mist by Oneida
Surf Maid by 1881 Rogers
Sweet Briar by Oneida
Sweet Pea by Mikasa
Swirl Design by Capri
Swirl Sand by Cambridge
Tally Ho by Oxford
Taos by 1847 Rogers
Tea Rose by Pfaltzgraff
Tempo by Oneida
Tennyson by Oneida
Textura by Oneidacraft
Textured Stripe by Koba
Theme by Gorham
Torun by Dansk
Toujours by Oneida
Tribeca by Oneida
Trieste by Farberware
Trilogy by Gorham
Twin Rose by Oneida
Twin Star by Community
Vault by Gourmet
Velvet by Stanley Roberts
Venetia by Oneida
Venus by Oneida
Versailles by Merchandise Service
Via Roma by Oneida
Victoria by Reed & Barton
Victoria by Salem
Vignette by Oneida
Vinland by Community
Viola by Oneida
Virtuoso Frost by Mikasa
Wavy Lines by Libbey
Wheat Design by Castle Court
Whispering Sand by Oneida
Whitney by Oneida
Will O' Wisp by Oneida
Windrift by Wm. A. Rogers
Winfield by Gorham
Wintersong by Oneida
Woodlawn by Carvel Hall
Woodmere by Community
Woodwind by Japan
Wordsworth by Oneida
Yankee Clipper by Oneida