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100 Acre Woods by Disney 100 Years of Royal Albert by Royal Albert
101 by St. Regis 3488, Pink Rose by Rosenthal
A Basket of Wildflowers by Mikasa A Mary Engelbreit Christmas by Danbury Mint
17th Century Blue by Staffordshire Engraving 17th Century Red by Staffordshire Engraving
Abundance by Corning Academy by Mikasa
Acadia Bay Blue by Pfaltzgraff Acadia Cypress by Pfaltzgraff
Adagio by Noritake Adelaide Electroplate Gold by 222 Fifth, PTS
Adelaide Green/White by 222 Fifth, PTS Adrienne by Lenox
Afternoon Tea by Sakura Alcona by Noritake
Alice in Wonderland's Café by Cardew Design Alisa by American Atelier
All American Rose by Gorham Allison by Noritake
Alpha Black by Sango Alpine Chintz by Roy Kirkham
Althea Teal by Gibson Always and Forever by Mikasa
Amalfi by Tabletops Unlimited Amelia by Duchess
Amenity by Noritake American Eagle by Longaberger
American Legend Brown by Meakin, J & G Americana Brown by Meakin, J & G
Amy by Mikasa Ancestral by Minton
Andes White by Pfaltzgraff Andria by Mikasa
Anita by Noritake Anna White by Laurie Gates
Annette by Mikasa Antique Rose by Churchill
Antique Rose by Golden Crown Antique White by Mikasa
Antique White by Mikasa Antique White, Bone by Mikasa
Apple by Franciscan Apple by Tabletops Unlimited
Apple Blossom by Theodore Haviland Apple Cider by Mikasa
Applejack by International Apples, Casuals by China Pearl
April by Pfaltzgraff April Rose by Mikasa
Aqua Rainforest by Mainstays Arabella by Mikasa
Arbor Vine by Pfaltzgraff Arcadia Black by Sango
Arden by Royal Worcester Arroyo by Noritake
Artic Nights by Nautica Artic White by Mainstays
Ascot by Wood & Sons Asheville by Mud
Ashley by Gorham Ashley by Mikasa
Asian Song by Noritake Aster by Pfaltzgraff
Astley by Royal Worcester Astral by Sakura
Athena by Johnson Brothers Athena Gold by Oneida
Atlas by Home Trends Aura by Pfaltzgraff
Autumn by Lenox Autumn Glory by Queen Anne
Autumn Leaf by Hall Autumn Leaf by Haviland & Co.
Autumn Gold by Century Service Autumn Grove by Mikasa
Autumn Morn by Royal Doulton Autumn Splendor by Taylor Smith & Taylor Co.
Autumn's Glory by Royal Doulton Ava by Laurie Gates
Aviator by Mikasa Avon Cottage by Thomas Hughes & Sons
Avonlea by Minton Awakening by Royal Doulton
Aztec by Pfaltzgraff Azure by Mikasa
Bahama by Noritake Bali Hai by Christopher Stuart
Bali Hai by Mikasa Ballet by Franciscan
Balmoral Blue by Kensington Staffords Bamboo, Black by Simple Dining
Band Width by Studio Nova Barbados by Christopher Stuart
Barbara by Noritake Barrier Reef by Studio Nova
Barrymore by Noritake Basic Living V, Black by Gibson
Bassano by Noritake Bayberry Blue by Dansk
Bazzar Brown by Home Trends Belle Terre by Mikasa
Bellemead by Noritake Belles Fleurs Blue by Dansk
Bells of Blue by Mikasa Belmont by Noritake
Belvidere by Lenox Berry Bloom by Mikasa
Berry Harvest by Sakura Beverly by Baronet
Bing by Dansk Bird of Paradise by Crown Ming
Bird of Paradise by Staffordshire Engraving Birdhouse by Thomson
Birds and the Bees by Sango Bittersweet by Nikko
Black Forest Fruits by Heritage Mint Black Lilies by Sango
Black Royale by Lenox Blossom, Dainty Shape, Green by Shelley
Blossom Time by Noritake Blossom Time by Royal Albert
Blossom Time Series by Royal Albert Blue Bird by Lefton
Blue Bonnett by Studio Nova Blue Bouquet by Johann Haviland
Blue Breeze by Lenox Blue Chintz by Farberware
Blue Clover by Alfred Meakin Blue Crock by Tienshan
Blue Daisies by Mikasa Blue Danube by Lipper Intl.
Blue Danube by Japan Blue Garland by Johann Haviland
Blue Haven by Noritake Blue Heritage by Wedgwood
Blue Hill by Noritake Blue Isle by Pfaltzgraff
Blue Mikado by Royal Crown Derby Blue Nordic by Johnson Brothers
Blue Nordic by Meakin Blue Onion by Arnart
Blue Onion by English Ironstone Tableware Blue Onion by Japan
Blue Onion by KPM Blue Onion by Mann, Seymour
Blue Onion by Meissen (Germany) Blue Paisley by Lefton
Blue Peony by Churchill Blue Peony by Nikko
Blue Ridge by Mikasa Blue Room Collection by Spode
Blue Room Garden Collection by Spode Blue Sky by Jeanette McCall
Blue Sky by Noritake Blue Village by Pfaltzgraff
Blue Whisper by Sheffield Blue Willow by Churchill
Blue Willow by Homer Laughlin Co. Blue Willow by Japan
Blue Willow by Johnson Bros. Blue Willow by L. Straus & Son
Blue Willow by Royal Blue Willow by Scio
Blue Willow by Staffordshire Blue Willow, Queen's by Churchill
Bluebell by Noritake Blueberry by Royal Doulton
Blueberry by Stangl Blues by Home Trends
Blushing Rose by Corning Boehm Birds by Lenox
Bolero by Mikasa Bon Jour by Mikasa
Borghese by Mikasa Botanic Blue by Portmeirion
Botanic Garden by Portmeirion Botanic Pink by Portmeirion
Botanic Roses by Portmeirion Botanica Pink by Mikasa
Botanical by Lillian Vernon Botanical Flowers by Roy Kirkham
Bountiful by Mikasa Bountiful by Tabletops Unlimited
Bouquet by Dansk Bouquet by Royal Tudor
Boutique by Mikasa Boutonniere by Taylor Smith & Taylor Co.
Bow Bells Brown by Mason's Bracelet by Syracuse
Brandywine by Farberware Briar by Pfaltzgraff
Briar Rose by Churchill Briar Rose by Mikasa
Bridal Lace by Royal Song Bridal Rose by Shelley
Bridal Veil by Mikasa Bristol by Noritake
Bromley by Mikasa Brookdale by Lenox
Brown County by Royal Brown Drip by Hull
Brownstone by Pfaltzgraff Buckingham by Sadek
Bugling Elk by Tienshan Bunnykins by Royal Doulton
Burgund by Goebel Buttercup by Spode
Butterflies by Cardew Design Butterflies by Trisa
Butterfly Meadow by Lenox Butterfly Meadow Bloom by Lenox
Butterfly Meadow Leaf by Lenox Butterfly Meadow Red by Lenox
C51 by Royal Worcester Cabbage Patch Kids by Royal Worcester
Cabbage Salad, Satin Light Green Cabin in The Snow by Tienshan
Cafe Du Soir by Noritake Cafe Floral by Dansk
Cafeware by Tienshan Calais by Farberware
Calico by Pfaltzgraff California Provincial by Poppytrail, Metlox
California Strawberry by Poppytrail, Metlox Camargue by The Boots Company
Cambria by Pfaltzgraff Cambridge by Mikasa
Camellia by Aynsley Cameo by Pickard
Camilla by Royal Doulton Campbell Soup Co. by Houston Harvest
Campbell Soup Co. by Westwood Canadian Provincial Flowers by Royal Adderley
Cape Breton Island by Royal Albert Cape May by Pfaltzgraff
Capistrano by Mikasa Cappuccino by Mikasa
Cappuccino by Pfaltzgraff Capri by Lenox
Cargo, Fatique by Calvin Klein Carmina by Royal Doulton
Carolina Collection by Lenox Carrousel by Camelot
Carthage by Noritake Casa Azul by Villeroy & Boch
Casablanca by Noritake Castle Berry by Mikasa
Casual, Brown by Iroquois Casual Banded Black by Mainstays
Casual Banded Cobalt Blue by Mainstays Cathay by Liling
Cayman by Pfaltzgraff Celeste by Meito
Center Bouquet Blue by Taylor Smith & Taylor Co. Center Bouquet Red by Taylor Smith & Taylor Co.
Central Market by Pfaltzgraff Chablis by Mikasa
Chandi Pink by 222 Fifth, PTS Chandon by Noritake
Charisma Beige by Mikasa Charisma Black by Mikasa
Charleston by Lenox Charlotte by China
Charlotte by Royal Crownford Charmaine by Noritake
Charming Butterflly by Newcor Chateau by Liling
Chatelet by Mikasa Chelsea Vine by Mikasa
Cheri by Noritake Cherokee Rose (Thin Gold Band) by Franciscan
Cherries by Pearl Casuals Cherry by Tabletops Unlimited
Cherry Blossom by Johnson Bros. Cherry Cameo by Mary Engelbreit
Cherry Orchard by Mainstays Chiara Gray by Mainstays
Chiara Red Sedona by Mainstays Chicory Hymn by Spode
China Garden by Prestige Chinese Garden, Blue by Emerald
Chinese Rose by James Kent LTD. Chinoiserie by Gorham
Chintz by Villeroy & Boch Christianshavn Blue by Dansk
Christine by Fine China Christmas by Tienshan
Christmas Heritage by Pfaltzgraff Christmas Holly by Sakura
Christmas Holly by Sango Christmas Magic by Mikasa
Christmas Mistletoe by Better Homes & Gardens Christmas Play by 222 Fifth, PTS
Christmas Story by Mikasa Christmas Trees Around The World by Lenox
Christmas Tree by Spode Christmas Village by Mason's
Circa Red by Dansk Citation, Gold by Lenox
Clarence by Grindley Clarice by Baronet
Clarinda by Noritake Classic Band Red by Marth Stewart
Classic Elegance by The Cellar Classic Gold by Tienshan
Classic Pooh by Lenox Classic White by Mainstays
Classic Winnie the Pooh by The Walt Disney Co. Cleo by Rose
Clio by Wedgwoood Clovelly by Royal Doulton
Clover by Hammersley Clover Leaf by Haviland & Co.
Cloverhill Floral by Pfaltzgraff Coaching Scene Blue by Johnson Bro
Coaching Scene Blue by Royal Stafford Coastal Breeze by Corning
Coca-Cola by Gibson Coca-Cola Dime Store by Gibson
Coffee Shoppe by Sango Colburn by Noritake
Colonial Christmas Wreath by Lenox Colonial Homestead/Green by Royal
Colonnade, Gold by Lenox Colony by Noritake
Color Spectrum Rose Blush by Mikasa Colorwave by Noritake
Columbine by Shelley Columbine (Scalloped) by Shelley
Comfort & Joy by Gorham Concentric Blue by Brick Oven
Concepts Avocado by Sango Concepts Eggplant by Sango
Conservatory by Noritake Constantine by Franciscan
Contessa Dutch Blue by Flintridge Contessa, Green by Style House
Continental Christmas by Mikasa Copelands by Grosoenor
Coral by Studio Nova Coraline by 222 Fifth, PTS
Corliss by Noritake Cornelia Cream by Lenox
Cornflower by Royal Adderley Cornflower Blue by Mikasa
Cornflowers by Foley Cornucopia by Dansk
Cornwall by Royal Doulton Coronado, Aqua by Franciscan
Coronado, Coral Beige by Franciscan Coronado, Off White by Franciscan
Coronation by Royal M Cotswold by Johnson Bros.
Cottage Garden by Aynsley Cottage Rose by Taiwan
Country Air by Mikasa Country Berries by Mikasa
Country Chintz by Mikasa Country Cottage by Sango
Country Fruit by Avon Country Living by Mikasa
Country Manor Saffron by Mikasa Country Quilt by Mikasa
Country Rose, Aqua by Royal Albert Country Scenes by Royal Albert
Countryside Blue by Franciscan Courtland Blue by Threshold
Cowslip by Spode Cozette by Mikasa
Craft Colors, Blueberry by Dansk Cretan by lenox
Crest by Noritake Crestmont by Noritake
Cuisine by Sakura Currier & Ives, Blue by Royal
Currier & Ives Blue, by Taylor, Smith & T D'Or by Sango
Daffodil by Hammersley Daffodil by Victoria
Daffodil Time by Shelley Dahlia by Mikasa
Dainty Flower Series by Rosina Dainty Pink by Shelley
Daisy Field by Sakura Damask by Noritake
Damask by Royal Albert Daryl by Noritake
Dauphin by Nikko Dawn by Portmeirion
Day Dreams by Mikasa Daybreak by Denby-Langley
Daybreak by Pfaltzgraff Daylily by Taylor Smith & Taylor Co.
Daymon Mocha by Mikasa Dazee Sun by Pfaltzgraff
Deauville by Community Deck The Halls by Tienshan
Dee by Noritake Deerfield by Noritake
Della Robia by Mikasa Denmark Blue by Furnivals
Desert Bloom by Mikasa Desert Rose by Franciscan
Devon Sprays by Wedgwood Devon Violets by Sutherland
Devotion by Noritake Dexter, Empire Shape by Meito
Diane by Fine China of Japan Dinner Is Served by Certified Int. Corp.
Divinity Pink by Coalport Dogwood by Roselyn
Dolce by Sango Stoneware Dolly by Mikasa
Dolores by Poppytrail, Metlox Dominica by Noritake
Dorchester by Royal Worcester Double Up by Studio Nova
Dresden Rose by Mikasa Dresden Sprays by Hammersley
Dresgay by Noritake Dubonnet Jade by Mikasa
Duetto by Noritake Dunes by Sango/Home Stoneware
Durango by Mikasa Dusk by Portmeirion
Dutch Garden by Mikasa Early Spring by Mikasa
Eastfair by Noritake Eastwind by Noritake
Edgewood by Noritake Edme by Wedgwood
Elegance by Princess China Elegance by Sheffield
Elemental Poppy by Home Eliza Spring Blue by 222 Fifth, PTS International
Ellgreave, Fruit by Wood & Sons Emerald by Century Service
Emma by Pfaltzgraff Emma Blue by Laurie Gates
Emma's Garland by Spode Enchanted Garden by Belleek
Endearment by Mikasa Emory by Mikasa
Endangered Baby Animals by Lenox England's Heritage Blue by H Anysley & Co
English Chippendale Red by Johnson Brothers English Estate by Mikasa
English Flowers by Paragon English Garden by Farberware
English Garden by Nikko English Garden by Ridgway
English Garden by Royal Worcester English Lavender by Norfolk
English Pansy by Heirloom English Rose by Roy Kirkham
English Scenery Brown by Wood & Sons English Village Blue by Salem
Enhancement by Noritake Espana by Tabletops Unlimited
Essence by Noritake Essex Collection by Lenox
Essex Gold by Noritake Eternal Beau by Johnson Brothers
Eternal Blush by Noritake Etrusco by Pier 1
Evangeline by Royal Albert Evening Floret by Mikasa
Evening Rhapsody by Royal Albert Eventide Bloom by Threshold
Evesham Vale by Royal Worcester Evesham Gold by Royal Worcester
Fair Harbor Bittersweet by Lenox Fair Winds by Alfred Meakin
Famille Rose by Aynsley Fancy Free by Johnson Bros.
Fantasia by Royal Albert Farm Fresh by Home Trends
Farmer's Market by Mikasa Farmers Market by Pfaltzgraff
Farmers Market by Sakura Farmstand Fruit by Sakura
Festive Theme by Mikasa Fiesta, Claret by Homer Laughlin
Fiesta, Cobalt Blue by Homer Laughlin Fiesta, Green by Homer Laughlin Co.
Fiesta, Pink by Homer Laughlin Co. Fiesta, Peacock by Homer Laughlin Co.
Fiesta, Persimmon by Homer Laughlin Co. Fiesta, Plum by Homer Laughlin Co.
Fiesta, Scarlet by Homer Laughlin Co. Fiesta, Shamrock Green by Homer Laughlin
Fiesta, Sunflower by Homer Laughlin Co. Fiesta, Tangerine by Homer Laughlin Co.
Fiesta, Turquoise by Homer Laughlin Co. Fiesta, White by Homer Laughlin Co.
Finlandia by Churchill Finlandia by Myott/Staffordshire
Fire Flower by Lenox Fireglow by Royal Doulton
Fjord by Noritake Fleur by Savoir Vivre
Flomar by Noritake Flora by China Pearl
Flora Series by Royal Albert Floraine (Blue Onion) by A. E. Lewis Co.
Floral by Lenox Floral Bliss by Mikasa
Floral Bouquet by Frank M. Whiting Co. Floral Court by Mikasa
Floral Eclipse by Mikasa Floral Expressions by Hearthside
Floral Garden by Thomson Floral Image by Studio Nova
Floral Lace Red by Temp-Tations Floral Swag Design by Meito
Florence by Spode Floribunda by Mikasa
Florinda by Royal Doulton Florisse Black by Noritake
Flourish by Gibson Flower Garden by Pfaltzgraff
Flower of the Month by Royal Albert Flowers of the Month by Spode
Foli by Home Trends Folk Art by Pfaltzgraff
Folk Stitch by Corning For the One I Love by Mikasa
For The Sky Blue by Lenox Forbidden Fruit by Victoria & Beale
Forest by Pfaltzgraff Forever Spring by Johann Haviland
Forget Me Not by Royal Albert Four Seasons by Gibson
Fragrance by Noritake Freesia by Oneida
Freesia by Sakura French Chintz by Mikasa
French Countryside by Mikasa French Garden by Mikasa
French Quarter by Pfaltzgraff Fresh Floral by Mikasa
Fresh Fruit by Franciscan Frolic by Mikasa
Frontenac by Limoges Frosty Folks by Sakura
Fruit, Brown Trim by Stangl Fruit & Holly Design by Libbey
Fruit Basket Red Multicolor by Mason's Fruit Canyon by Noritake
Fruit Collage by Mikasa Fruit Festival by Royal Patrician
Fruit Medley by Tabletops Unlimited Fruit Off White by Gibson
Fruit Panorama by Mikasa Fruit Rapture by Mikasa
Fruit Sampler by Johnson Brothers Fruits of Life by Lenox
Gabrielle by 222 Fifth, PTS Galaxie White by Wedgwood
Galaxy Jade by Baum Bros. Galaxy Red by Pfaltzgraff
Gallery by Noritake Garden Beauty by 222 Fifth, PTS
Garden Bloom by Studio Nova Garden Blossom by Mikasa
Garden Butterflies by Pfaltzgraff Garden Club by Mikasa
Garden Floral by Mikasa Garden Harvest by Mikasa
Garden Jubilee by Studio Nova Garden Party by Pfaltzgraff
Garden Rooster by Pfaltzgraff Garden Rooster by Pfaltzgraff
Garden Time by Sakura Garden Trellis by Mikasa
Garden Vignette by Sakura Garland by Nikko
Garland by Royal Standard Garland by Tuscan
Gates Ware by Laurie Gates Gathering of Angels by Sakura
Geneve by Seyei Georgian Collection by Spode
Geranium by Sakura Gigi by Vernonware, Metlox
Gillian by Pfaltzgraff Gingerbread by Tienshan
Gingham Green by Poppytrail, Metlox Glamis Thistle by Royal Doulton
Glenwood by Noritake Gold and Platinum by Noritake
Gold Band by Franciscan Gold Dust Black by Sango
Gold Dust Green by Sango Gold Dust Sienna by Sango
Gold Scroll by Mikasa Golden Bramble by Royal Stafford
Golden Cove by Noritake Golden Crocus by Aynsley
Golden Pond by Mainstays Golden Rhapsody by Kaysons
Golden Rose by Royal Chelsea Golden Tide by Noritake
Golden Traditions by Noritake Goldwyn by Noritake
Gothic Platinum by Mikasa Gourmet Basics by Mikasa
Gourmet Harvest by Noritake Granada by Home Trends
Grandma's Kitchen by Pfaltzgraff Grandmother's Rose by Hammersley
Grantham by Royal Doulton Grape Vine by Crock Shop
Grapevine by Pfaltzgraff Graymont by Grace
Green Stalk by Mainstays Green Wood by Royal M
Greenbrier by Oneida Greenfield Collection by Lenox
Greenwood by Noritake Grey by Japan
Gypsy by Denby-Langley Hacienda Green Stoneware
Haddon Hall by Minton Haddon Hall Pink by Johnson Bros.
Halloween by Sakura Halloween by Tag
Halo by Mikasa Hampshire by Royal Doulton
Hampshire Gold by Noritake Hampton by Thomson
Happy by Mikasa Happy Holidays by Mikasa
Happy Holidays by Nikko Harker by Pfaltzgraff
Harley by Noritake Harmony by Grindley
Harmony Red by Pfaltzgraff Harper by Home
Harvest Blue by Portmeirion Harvest by Better Homes & Gardens
Harvest Classic by Mikasa Harvest Fair by Certified Int. Corp.
Harvest Time Brown Multicolor by Johnson Bros. Hathaway Rose by Wedgwood
Haviland & Co., Limoges Hawthorne Manor by Hallmark
Hazel Dell Off White by Spode Headline by Mikasa
Heart Collection by Lenox Heather by Lord Nelson
Heather by Noritake Heather by Sango
Heather by Shelley Heavenly Blue by Shelley
Hedge Row by Mikasa Herald Angel by Mikasa China
Heritage by Noritake Heritage by Royal Sealy
Heritage Hall, Brown & Colors by Johnson Bros. Heritage Green by Lefton
Heritage Green by Pfaltzgraff Heritage, White by Johnson Brothers
Heritage, White by Pfaltzgraff Hidden Valley by Royal Albert
Highland Queen by Paragon Hillside by Rosenthal
His Majesty by Johnson Bros. Historic America, Pink by Johnson Brothers
Holiday by Lenox Holiday by Los Angeles
Holiday Bloom by Mikasa Holiday Celebrations by Christopher Radko
Holiday Cosmopolitan by Lenox Holiday Fleur by Mikasa
Holiday Fruit by Mikasa Holiday Gatherings by Lenox
Holiday Harvest by Dansk Holiday Santa Collection by Lenox
Holiday Season by Mikasa Holiday Spice by Pfaltzgraff
Holiday Splendor by Christopher Stuart Holiday Traditions by Made in China
Holly by Salisbury Holly & Berry Design by Home
Holly Collection by Baum Bros. Holly Hobbie by American Greetings
Holly Hobbie by Blue Girl Holly Holiday by Home for the Holidays
Holly Holiday by Royal Limited Holly Joy by Pfaltzgraff
Home For Christmas by Noritake Home In The Country by Alfred Meakin
Home ZaZen Crackle by Gibson Homecoming by Noritake
Homespun by Poppytrail, Metlox Honor Society by Avon
Hopscotch, Fruit by Pfaltzgraff Hummel Mothers Day Plate by Schmid
Huntington by Mikasa Hyde Park by Mikasa
Hydrangea by Farberware Illuminations Collection by Lenox
Imari Bouquet by MIkasa Imperial Braid by Gibson
Impulse by mikasa Impulse by Studio Nova
Indian Summer by Royal Standard Indian Tree by Royal Grafton
Indian Tree by Sadler Indian Tree (Steelite) by Royal Doulton
Indies, Blue by Johnson Brothers Innovation by Mikasa
Irene by Spode Iris by Christopher Stuart
Iris by Otagiri Iris Bouquet by Otagiri
Island Flower by Nautica Island Moss by Nautica
Island Sand by Nautica Italian Countryside by Mikasa
Italiana Red by JCPenney Italian Vine by Pfaltzgraff
Ivory Fantasy by Japan Ivy by Franciscan
Jacobean by Royal Albert Jalapeno by Clay Art
Jamberry by Pfaltzgraff Jamberry Holiday by Pfaltzgraff
Jardin Bleu by Brick Oven Jardin De Paradis by Mikasa
Jardiniere by Mikasa Jasper, Pale Blue by Wedgwood
Java by Pfaltzgraff Jazz by Home Trends
Jolie by Sango Jolie Fleur by Noritake
Jolly Ole Saint Nick by Fitz & Floyd Jonquil by Shelley
Julie by Noritake Juliet Micro by Royal Doulton
Julliard by Mikasa Ironstone June by Rosina
June Garland by Royal Worcester Jungle Animals by Sakura
Juniper by Pfaltzgraff Juno by Royal Doulton
Just Flowers by Mikasa Kendall by Mikasa
Kent by Noritake Kentish Rockery by Royal Albert
Key Largo by Pfaltzgraff Kingsley by Lenox
Kingswood by Royal Doulton Kringle by Fitz & Floyd
La Rose by Mikasa Lace Bouquet by Salem
Lady Anne by Gorham Lady Hamilton by Royal Albert
Ladybug by Burton Lace Point by Lenox
Laguna Beach by Studio Nova Landon by Noritake
Landscape Blue by Arabia of Finland Lakeview by Nasco
Larkspur by Franciscan Latitudes Brown by Farberware
Laurel Burch Laurel Magnolia by Royal Cathay
Lavender Rose by Royal Albert Lavinia by Royal Worcester
Lazy Bones, Brown Satin by Frankoma Pottery Le Chef by HD Designs
Leaf Lace by Triomphe Leaf Mural by Studio Nova
Legend by Farberware Lenox Rose by Lenox
Let It Snow by Atico Lexington by Mikasa
Liberty Blue by Staffordshire Lila by Mikasa
Lilac by Paragon Lily of the Valley by Royal Albert
Lily White by Belleek Limoges
Linda by Harmony House Linden by Mikasa
Linen Rainforest by Mainstays Lockleigh by Noritake
Lodi by Mikasa Longarno by Newcor
Longchamps by Casual Ceram Lorenzo by Noritake
Lorraine by Royal Albert Love Song by Noritake
Lucy and Me by Enesco Luscious by Savoir Vivre
Luminaire Green by Gibson Lydia by Mikasa
Lynbrook by Noritake Lynton by Johnson Bros.
Lyric Tunis by Crown Staffordshire Madeira by Franciscan
Madera Blue by Noritake Magic of Santa by Target
Magnificence by Noritake Magnolia, Matte by Hull
Mainstays Pattern Unknown Maison Blue by Pfaltzgraff
Malta Blue by Minton Malvern by Roslyn
Malverne by Noritake Maple by Fukagawa
Margaret Rose by Johnson Bros. Margaux by Mikasa
Marie by Johnson Bros. Marika by Mikasa
Marina, Brown by Spode Market Basket by Mikasa
Marlboro by Pitcairns Limited Marlow by Minton
Marseille by Noritake Mary Engelbreit by Andrews McMeel Publishing
Mary Engelbreit by Galerie Mary Engelbreit by Global Innovations, LLC
Mary Engelbreit by Hallmark Mary Engelbreit by ME Ink
Mary Engelbreit by Michel & Co. Mary Engelbreit by OZ
Matrice Blue by Gibson Designs May Flowers by Savoir Vivre
Mayan Aztec Desert Gold by Frankoma Mayfair by Mikasa
Mayfair by Royal Worcester Mayflower by Spode
Maypole by Franciscan Maywood by Lenox
Mazurka by Goebel Meadow by Corning
Meadow Gallery by Mikasa Meadow Hostess by Mary Engelbreit
Meadow Lane by Pfaltzgraff Meadow Scalloped by Minton
Meadow Sun by Mikasa Meadow Vista by Christopher Stuart
Meadowland by Royal Standard Meito by Kenwood
Melanie by Lenox Melba, Floral Design by Melba
Melissa by Mikasa Melody by Franciscan
Melody by Gibson Melody by Johnson Brothers
Memory Lane by Royal Albert Meredian by tabletops Unlimited
Merriment by Lenox Merry Christmas by Johnson Bros.
Mesa Sky Blue by Dansk Metrix by Mikasa
Mexicana by Homer Laughlin Co. Mi Amor by Noritake
Michelle by Crown Ming Michelle by Mikasa
Mickey & Minnie by Mickey & Co. Midnight Gold by Mikasa
Midnight Magic by Mikasa Midnight Sun by Pfaltzgraff
Minden by Royal Doulton Ming Tree Blue by Nikko
Minster Historical Series II by Sadler Minuet by Hammersley
Mirano by Noritake Miss Priss by Lefton
Mocha Halo by Home Monaco by Pfaltzgraff
Monet by Mikasa Monique by Mikasa
Montclair by Mikasa Monte Carlo by Mikasa
Mood Indigo Blue by Inarco Moonlight Rose by Royal Albert
Morning Blossom by Lenox Morning Coffee by Sakura
Morning Song by American Atelier Mosaic Tile by Home Trends
Moss Rose by Johann Haviland Moss Rose by Rosenthal
Moss Rose by Royal Albert Moss Rose by Royal Kent
Moss Rose by Royal Sealy Moss Rose by Sango
Moss Rose (San Souci, Ivory) by Rosenthal Mothers Day by Royal Albert
Mountain Shadow by Pfaltzgraff Mt. Vernon by Harmony House
Muppet Show by Sigma Mystic by Lenox
Mystique Brown by Sango Nanarosa by Japan
Napoli by Pfaltzgraff Natural Quartet by Studio Nova
Nature's Gallery by Mikasa Nature's Garden by Mikasa
Nature's Song by Mikasa Naturewood by Pfaltzgraff
Needle Point by Royal Albert New Country by 222 Fifth, PTS
New Country Roses White by Royal Albert New England Village by Department 56
Noah's Ark by Lenox Noel by Liling
Noel by Sango Noir Garden by Home
Nordic Christmas by Pfaltzgraff Nordic Wind by Ranmaru
Norma by Haviland & Co., Limoges Norma by Noritake
Norman Rockwell by Brown & Bigelow North Country Snowmen by Zak Designs
Northwinds by Pfaltzgraff Nouveau by Corning
Nova by Royal Doulton Nova Black by Sango
Nova Blue by Sango Nova Brown by Sango
Nuance of Red by Pfaltzgraff Nut Tree by Franciscan
Ocean Breeze by Pfaltzgraff Ocean Collage by Mikasa
Ocean Collage by Studio Nova Octagon White by Sears
Octavia Hill Garden by Tracy Porter Oh So Breit by Mary Engelbreit
Old Britain Castles by Johnson Brothers Old Country Roses by Royal Albert
Old Country Roses Chintz Old Country Roses Classic by Royal Albert
Old Country Sprays by Ridgway Old English Garden by Paragon
Old English Rose, Hampton by Royal Albert Old Saint Nick by Mikasa
Old St. Nicholas by Rosina/Queens Olde Abbey, Red by Royal Tudor Ware
Olde Chelsea White by Myott/Staffordshire Olde Country Castles Blue by British Anchor
Olde English Countryside by Johnson Brothers Olive Garden by Tabletops Unlimited
Olympia, Gold by Lenox Omega Pearl by Sango
Ontario by Noritake Onyx by Home
Opus Black by Mikasa Orange Spice by Mainstays
Orchard by Oneida Orchard Delight by Corning
Orchard Hill by Royal Doulton Orchard Jewels by Studio Nova
Orchard Odyssey by Mikasa Orchids by Mikasa
Organdie by Poppytrail, Metlox Oriental by Noritake
Oriental Bird by Spode Origami by Oneida
Original Christmas Tree by Cuthbertson Orleans by Pfaltzgraff
Orleans Red by Martha Stewart Owl by Mikasa
Owl City by Gibson Pacific Majesty by Noritake
Pacific Mist by Corning Pacific Rose by Royal Albert
Painted Poppies by Pfaltzgraff Palatial Holly Gold by Mikasa
Palm Desert by Studio Nova Palm Springs by Royal Doulton
Pansy Chintz Collection by Baum Bros. Paper Flowers by Sakura
Park Ridge by Mikasa Pasadena by Noritake
Pasadena by Theodore Haviland Passion by Sango
Passion Flower by Royal Doulton Pastel Garden by Mikasa
Pastoral by Noritake Patriotic Series by Paragon
Paula by Noritake Peach Bloom by Johnson Brothers
Peacock Garden by 222 Fifth Peas in a Pod by Gates Ware
Pembroke by Aynsley, China Peonies by Mikasa
Perennial Garden by Lenox Perennials Cottage Collection by Pfaltzgraff
Periwinkle Blue by Roslyn Persia by Sakura
Petals Plus by Noritake Peter Rabbit by Wedgwood
Petit Point by Royal Albert Petite Fleur by Villeroy & Boch
Pinafore by Pope Gosser Pine Song by Fine China
Pinebrook by Noritake Pinedale by Fashion Manor
Pink Beauty by Mikasa Pink Italian by Spode
Pink Jewel by Myott/Staffordshire Pink Orchid by Grantcrest
Pink Rose w/ Green Border by Taylor, Smith & T Pink Rose Design by Momoyama
Pink Vista by Studio Nova Pinstripes by Lenox
Pistoulet by Pfaltzgraff Plaid Christmas by Fitz & Floyd
Plainsman, Brown by Frankoma Plainsman, Cinnamon by Frankoma
Plainsman, Gold by Frankoma Plainsman, Green by Frankoma Pottery
Platinum Crown by Mikasa Platinum Star Burst by Creative
Playa Orange by Tabletops Unlimited Pledge by Noritake
Plum by Mikasa Plum Blossom by Johnson Bros.
Poetic Rose by Royal Doulton Poinsettia by Mikasa
Poinsettia & Holly by Hallmark Poinsettia & Ribbon by Fairfield
Poinsettia & Ribbon by Tienshan Pooh Pantry by Lenox
Poppies by Mikasa Poppies Barnyard by Lenox
Poppies On Blue by Lenox Poppies on Blue Botanical by Lenox
Port of Call by Sakura Portofino Blue by Savoir Vivre
Portofino Cayenne by Tabletops Unlimited Postcard by Maxcera Corp
Precious by Nikko Precious Moments by Enesco
Prego Aqua by Corning Premier Gray by John Maddock & Son
Primrose Chintz by Shelley Profile by Studio Nova
Promise Me Green by Noritake Provencal Blossom by Lenox
Provincial Blue by Poppytrail, Metlox Provincial Fruit, Green by Poppytrail, Metlox
Queen Anne by Signature Quince by Wedgwood
Rainbow Trout by Folkcraft Random Harvest by Red Wing
Ranier by Noritake Rave Red Square by Home Trends
Real Old Willow by Booths Red Apple by Housewares Int.
Red Ribbons by Pfaltzgraff Red River by England
Red Sedona by Mainstays Red Solstice by Home
Red Solstice Square by Home Redoute Roses by Roy Kirkham
Regal by Mikasa Regency by Shelley
Regency by Johnson Brothers Regency Hall by Mikasa
Regina by Noritake Reina by Noritake
Rejoice by Mikasa Remembrance by Royal Song
Resplendent Spring by 222 Fifth, PTS Retro Rooster by Sakura
Reverie by Lenox Reverie, Green Trim by Noritake
Rhodora by Lenox Ribbon Holly by Mikasa
Rich Black by Mainstays Richelieu by Hutschenreuther
Richmond by Diamond Ridgewood by Noritake
Ringsted Green by Dansk Rio by Pfaltzgraff
Roanne by Noritake Roberta by Amcraft
Romantic England Blue by Meakin, J & G Rondo, Trio by Mikasa
Rooster Meadow by Pfaltzgraff Rooster Red by Churchill
Rosalie by Noritake Rosalie by Spode
Rosanna, Blue by Myott/Staffordshire Rosay by Noritake
Rose Blossom by Lenox Rose Brier by Royal Heidelberg
Rose Chintz by Johnson Bros. Rose Elegance by Windsor
Rose of The Year by Gorham Rose & Red Daisy (Oleander) by Shelley
Rose Petals by Mikasa Rose Sachet by Taylor Smith & Taylor Co.
Rosebud by Lenox Rosebud Chintz by Spode
Rosechintz by Meito Rosedale by Lenox
Rosemarie by M, Japan Rosemarie by Noritake
Rosemead by Mikasa Rothschild by Noritake
Royal Harvest by Gibson Royal Homes of Britain by Wedgwood
Royal Homes of Britain Blue by Wedgwood Royal Orchard by Noritake
Royal Rose by Japan Running Horses by Folkcraft
Rustic Leaves by Mikasa Rustic Leaves by Pfaltzgraff
Safari by Noritake Safe Harbour by Royal Staffordshire
Salvador by Noritake Salzburg by Noritake
San Marino by Flintridge Sanssouci Rose Ivory (Gold Trim) by Rosenthal
Sand Dune by Studio Nova Sangria by Sango
Sanibel by Pfaltzgraff Santa Fe by Laurie Gates
Santa Fe by Mikasa Santa Fe by Pacific Rim
Santa's Retweet by Sakura Santa's Spirit by Sakura
Sante Fe Lily by Corning Santiago, White by Dansk
Savannah by Noritake Saxony by Johnson Bros.
Scarborough by Noritake Sculptured Grape by Poppytrail, Metlox
Seacrest by Foley Seaforth Pink by Wood & Sons Enoch
Seagull by Bing & Grondahl Seamist by Mikasa
Seascape by Dansk Sedona by Pfaltzgraff
Sedona Solid Gold by Pfaltzgraff Sedona Solid Red by Pfaltzgraff
Sedona Solid Sage by Pfaltzgraff Serape by Certified Int. Corp.
Serena by Royal Albert School Days Desk Collect. by Susan Winget
Shadow Iris by Corning Shamrock by Carrigaline
Shamrock by Wade Shamrock White by Aynsley
Shasta by Noritake Shenandoah by Noritake
Shima by Spode Silk Blossoms by Mikasa
Silk Bouquet by Mikasa Silk Flowers by Mikasa
Silver Birch by Royal Albert Silver Scroll by Minton
Silverdale by Noritake Silver Wheat by Johann Haviland
Simple Fruit by Tabletops Unlimited Sky Blue Blossoms by Lenox
Smithsonian Botanic by International Smokey Mountain by Studio Nova
Snow Bear by Pfaltzgraff Snow Angel Village by Sakura
Snow Village by Pfaltzgraff Snow White by Mikasa
Snowflake by Arabia of Finland Snowflake by Sakura
Snowman by Sakura Snowman Family by Shannon & Daughters
Snowman & Tree by Gibson Snowman Serenade by Meiwa
Snowy Woods by Fitz & Floyd Solitaire by Lenox
Somerset by Excel Somerset by Kensington Staffords
Somerset Sage Green by Laurie Gates Sommersby by Pfaltzgraff
Sonata by Anchor Hocking Sonnet by Noritake
Sonoma by Sakura Sonoma Trellis by Noritake
Soroya by Noritake Sorrento by Mikasa
Sorrento by Tabletops Unlimited Sorrento Green by Mikasa
Sorrento Red by Mikasa Southern Charm by Gorham
Sovereign, Teal by Elizabethan Spa Maroon by Pagnossin
Special Flowers by Rosina Splash Brown by Sango
Splendor by Noritake Splendor Burgundy by Sakura
Splendor Red & Green by Sakura Sponge Blue Rooster by Tienshan
Spring Bouquet by Sakura Spring Collage by Mikasa
Spring Court Blue by Mikasa Spring Glory by Mikasa
Spring Legacy by Mikasa Spring Meadow by Mikasa
Springdale by Foley Springtime by Avon
Springtime by International Springtime by Theodore Haviland
Square Bamboo by Threshold Staccato by Lenox
Stadium Blue by Mainstays Staffordshire Bouquet by Johnson Bros.
Sterling Cove by Noritake Stocks by Shelley
Stone Manor by Mikasa Storybook Humpty Dumpty by Department 56
Strawberries by Mikasa Strawberries by Sears
Strawberries 'N Cream by Sheffield Strawberry by James Kent LTD
Strawberry Country by McCoy Strawberry by Coventry
Strawberry Fair by Mikasa Strawberry Fair by Mikasa 1990
Strawberry Fair by Royal Worcester Strawberry Festival by Mikasa
Strawberry Field by Christopher Radko Strawberry Plaid by Oneida
Strawberry Social by Tienshan Strawflowers by Mikasa
Stream by Sone Studio Kiln by Mikasa
Sugar & Spice Blue by Johnson Bros. Summer Blush by Corning
Summer Breeze by Pfaltzgraff Summer Chintz by Johnson Brothers
Summer Essence by Mikasa Summer Eve by Noritake
Summer Garden by Pfaltzgraff Summer Harvest by Lenox
Summer Sorbet by Bella Summer Strawberries by Portmeirion
Summer Terrace by Lenox Summertime by Aynsley
Sunday Morning Brown Multicolor by Grindley Sunflower Rooster by 222 Fifth, PTS
Sunny Side by Mikasa Sunnydale by Pfaltzgraff
Sunrise by Pfaltzgraff Sunset Rose by Schumann - Bavaria
Sunshine by Pfaltzgraff Sussex by Royal
Suzette by Noritake Swallow by Wedgwood
Sweet Briar by Princess China Sweet Gingerland by Sakura
Sweet Harvest by Studio Nova Sweet Leilani by Noritake
Sweet Violet by Japan Sweet Violets by Norcrest
Sweetbriar by Johnson Bros. Sweetbrier Rose by Lenox
Swing Time by Myott Son & Co Tahoe by Noritake
Tamarask by Home Tango by Mikasa
Tapestry by Royal Doulton Tapestry Rose by Paragon
Taryn by Noritake Taos by Pfaltzgraff
Tea Pots by Sakura Tea Rose by Pfaltzgraff
Tea Rose Holiday by Pfaltzgraff Tea Rose Yellow by Royal Albert
Teal Turquoise by Alacarte Tempo by Mikasa
Tempo Black by Sango Temptation by Noritake
Tempting by Home Beautiful Tender Bloom by Studio Nova
Tender Fleur by Mikasa Terra Cotta Sunflower
Terrace Aqua by Pfaltzgraff Terrace Garden by Mikasa
Terrace Plum by Pfaltzgraff Terrace Raspberry by Pfaltzgraff
Terrazzo by Mikasa Thanksgiving Blue by Queen's
The Art of Nature by Enesco The Brook Pink by Churchill
The Festival by Royal Ivory, KPM The Flower Blossom Collection by Lenox
The Friendly Village by Johnson Brothers The Old Curiosity Shop, Green by Royal
The Oregon Plate by Johnson Brothers The Sweet Shoppe by Sango
The Sweet Shoppe Christmas by Sango Thistle by Adderley
Thistle by Duchess Thistle by Stangl
Thomas Kinkade by Knowles, Edwin Tilford by Noritake
Timberline by Studio Nova Tintern by Wedgwood
Tivoli by Carico Tivoli by Mikasa
Tivoli Garden by Mikasa Tonquin, Red Pink by Royal Staffordshire
Toren Denim Blue by Sango Tower Pink by Spode
Travertine Gray by Mikasa Traviata by Noritake
Treesweet by Mikasa Trellis White by Mikasa
Trellis Yellow by Mikasa Tribecca by Laurie Gates
Tridacna Yellow by Belleek Trim The Tree by Mikasa
Tropez by Mikasa Tropicana by Mikasa
Tropicana by Stonecrest Trudy by Noritake
Tulane by Noritake Tulip by Dansk
Tulip by Franciscan Tulip Gallery by Mikasa
Tulip Time by Johnson Brothers Tunisian Sunset by Certified Int. Corp.
Turquoise, Magnolia by Lifetime Tuscan Grapes by Oneida
Tuscan Harvest by Oneida Tuscan Rose by Tuscan
Tuscany by Misono Twelve Days of Christmas by 222 Fifth, PTS
Twelve Days of Christmas by Sakura Umbrian Fruits by Dansk
Up-Sa Daisy by Noritake Vale Flowers by Noritake
Vallarta by Pier 1 Valley View by Pfaltzgraff
Vegetable Delight by Sakura Venetian Romance by Fitz & Floyd
Veneto by Oneida Vera Cruz by Pfaltzgraff
Verona by Mikasa Versailles by Fairfield
Versailles by Mikasa Very Strawberry by Tabletops Unlimited
Victoria by Christopher Stuart Victoria by Mikasa
Victorian Christmas by Johnson Bros. Victorian House by Otagiri
Victorian Rose by Lynn's Victorian Rose by Paragon
Victorian Violets by Hammersley Viktoria by Rosenthal
Villa by Mikasa Villa Flora by Pfaltzgraff
Villa Medici by Mikasa Village by Pfaltzgraff
Vineyard by Poppytrail, Metlox Vintage Floral by Pioneer Woman
Vintage Fruit by Oneida Viola Time by Clarence
Violet by Adderley Violets by Rosina/Queens
Violets by Victoria's Garden Violette by Noritake
Viscount by Mikasa China Visions Green by Sango
Vista Pink by Mason's Vues de Paris by Studio Nova
Wagon Wheel, Prairie Green by Frankoma Watering Cans by Sakura
Weatherly by Lenox Wedding Band Platinum by Mikasa
Welcome Home by Home & Garden Party Wellesley by Farberware
Wenlock Fruit by Coalport Westwind by Lenox
Westwind, Woodland Moss by Frankoma White Christmas by Farberware
White Coupe by Corning White Knight by Noritake
White, Platinum by Kenmark White Silk by Mikasa
White Square Rim by Threshold Whitetail Buck by Folkcraft
Whitetail Deer by Folkcraft Whole Wheat by Mikasa
Wicker Brown by Meakin, J & G Wicker Dale by Spode
Wide Band Colbalt by Gibson Wild Flowers by Rosina/Queens
Wild Flowers by Staffordshire Wild Rose by Royal Albert
Wild Rose by Schumann-Germany Wild Strawberry by Wedgwood
Wild Tudor by Aynsley Willow Blue by Barratts
Willow Blue by Johnson Bros. Willow Blue Collectibles by Johnson Bros.
Wine & Roses by Mikasa Winter Birds by Sakura
Winter Greetings by Lenox Winter Rose by Royal M-Mita
Winterberry by Pfaltzgraff Winterberry Ruby by Pfaltzgraff
Winterside by Tienshan Wistaria by Royal Stafford
Wolf by Tienshan Woodland by Mikasa
Woodland Blue by Wood & Sons Woodland Chartreuse Pink, Glossy
Woodland Santa by Sakura Woodland Series by Royal Albert
Woodstock by Noritake Woven Traditions by Longaberger
Wrocklage by Noritake Wyndham by Pfaltzgraff
Wyngate Band by Pfaltzgraff Ybry by Noritake
Ye Olde Historical Pottery by Staffordshire Yesterday by Mikasa
Yorktowne by Pfaltzgraff Zenda by Noritake
Zinfandel by Sakura